On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 3:22 PM, Arvid Ephraim Picciani
> On Friday 29 August 2008 14:17:06 RedShift wrote:
>> > - ppp, rp-pppoe (plus libpcap dep)
>> > Only few people need those, leave them in core, but remove from base
> just remember to keep them on the minimal live cd ;)

AFAIR theres only core & ftp isos nowadays. As long as selecting packages from
core is available as an option on both, i dont see a problem in keeping the base
group to an absolute minimum set of packages.
Maybe then not being able to select/deselect packages from base would make
more sense, even though its a very handy option prefered by most people.

As far as dialog, besides being used as a UI on the installer i dont
know why its
part of base.

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