Pierre Schmitz wrote:
Hi all,

I think you all are interested in the result of Allan's crazy idea to get some stats about package usage. I spent some/alot time this weekend to present you some stats.

At first: I played a bit with gettext and some usefull pages are available in German and English (depends on your browser's config):

* http://www.archlinux.de/?page=ArchitectureDifferences
* http://www.archlinux.de/?page=MirrorStatus
* http://www.archlinux.de/?page=PackageStatistics (That's the one; be warnded:
                                                   atm it loads > 2MB of pure

For those who want to play with some sql queries, I have uploaded a (reduced) db-snapshot: http://users.archlinux.de/~pierre/tmp/pkgdb-stripped.sql.gz

Before announcing this we should discuss the results and talk about what we learn about them.

I'll make a start: (topdown)

* extra and community have similar size
* more than 1200 submissions since friday. Thanks! :-)
* installation size varies from 126 to amazing 2800
* 1/4 use x86_64
* Nearly 70% of packages are from extra. Nice.
* Only 7% are installed from community and a similar amount is in no official repo (Might be a sign that there is something wrong with
  priorities in [community])
* About 2% from extra and 3% from community aren't used by anybody!
  The unused kde-l10n pacakges are no problem; I create them automatically
* Nearly 20% of all users (that includes 3/4 i686) use lib32 packages. * There are lots of rarly used packages in all repos
* kdemod-kdelibs is installed by 14,26 % while kdelibs fomr [extra] is
  installed by 34,05 %. Maybe splitting support in makepkg and devtools should
get a higher priority
...that should do it for a start.

Just a warning, generalizing based on these numbers (and on any numbers in 
fact) is very dangerous.


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