I don't have that particular problem, but I did have a similar one.
After upgrading to 2.6.28, the system, on boot, would give an
ominous-sounding message about not recognising my sound card
(which, ironically, turned out to be a red herring), blurt out that it can't
connect to X and hang -- I'd get a blank screen, no X, and no display of
virtual terminals. Everything else, including the keyboard, worked fine,
which meant it wasn't the kernel.

After booting into single-user mode, I upgraded the (properietary) nvidia driver
and everything seemed to work. Just my two cents, as useless as they
probably are.


2009/1/19 Anton Achatz <aach...@gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> i have a problem after updating to kernel 2.6.27 or 2.6.28. After
> updating the kernel i am not able to boot the system. The system
> doesn' t recognize the boot harddisk sda6. the recommendation to set
> bootdelay = 8 doesnt help. Does someone know what to do.
> greetings
> Toni

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