On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 12:08 PM, Aaron Griffin<aaronmgrif...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is correct. There should be .head and .tail files you can add
> which are automatically merged (check the docs). But more to the point
> - why are you putting values from dhcpcd.conf into resolv.conf?

I was showing you how dhcpcd.conf is configured. that's not
resolv.conf. resolv.conf just ends up with this.

# Generated by dhcpcd
# /etc/resolv.conf.head can replace this line
# /etc/resolv.conf.tail can replace this line

again I didn't have this problem until today after I rebooted my
system. and I haven't changed my configuration at all.

Caleb Cushing


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