On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 13:16, Thomas Bächler<tho...@archlinux.org> wrote:
> Aaron Griffin schrieb:
>> However, I must point out: odds are most people don't touch inittab, so
>> the
>> upgrade will do things as expected and the sed line will only do work a
>> small subset of end users.
> You are wrong here. I would guess virtually any user touched it.

That's questionable.
It depends if users configured their X login manager in inittab
or just added gdm/kdm/slim/whatever to DAEMONS in rc.conf (as I did).
I doubt there is any statistics on it, so it's hard to correctly
assume anything.

Anyway these are valid points:
> That said, we do modify configuration files all the time. We run grpck on a
> shadow update so users can still log in, some gtk update generate files in
> /etc so it still finds its plugins and more. We just don't do it ourselves,
> but hide behind some program provided to us and tell ourselves "It's okay,
> upstream wanted it this way". And guess what, nobody even notices.

The whole discussion is getting on a way to flamewar IMO.
I'm fine with just newsitem in advance and a post_upgrade message,
but Thomas' idea about doing sed and saving user's config as .pacsave
and posting a message about what was done is reasonable as well:
* users who weren't careful will have a working system after reboot,
* users who are careful will see the .pacsave and will check\
  if sed didn't break their config.

Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)

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