Another option is using rsync to copy all files to the other disk. This can be 
done with a temporary server storage if necessary.  If you use the -a switch, 
it keeps permissions intact and works perfectly for Linux, not for Windows, 
but who uses that anyway? ;)


On Sunday 26 July 2009, Nergar wrote:
> I think clonezilla could help you here.
> On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Dan McGee <> wrote:
> > On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Will Siddall<>
> >
> > wrote:
> > > I know this isn't particularly an arch question, but I know Arch
> > > people are better off to ask then most.
> > >
> > > I'm in the process of upgrading my hard drive in my laptop but with
> > > the amounts of customizations I've done to my setup, I don't want to
> > > have to set it all up again.
> > >
> > > I know about running dd to copy the partition information, but the
> > > problem with that is that it also copies that partition information
> > > over.  So, if I copy my root partition that started as a 40G partition
> > > with 90% used and now I have a 60G parition, the used portion will be
> > > kept at 90% so, it'll show something like 50G of data... which doesn't
> > > make sense.
> >
> > What about a dd followed by using parted/gparted or whatever to resize
> > things as necessary? They have a good LiveCD too that you should be
> > able to use to get things copied and then resized.
> >
> > I think gparted even has built in support for copying partitions; not
> > sure if it can do it across drives.
> >
> > -Dan

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