On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Rafa Griman<rafagri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi :)
> On Sunday 26 July 2009 18:57:07 Thomas Bächler wrote:
>> Rafa Griman schrieb:
>> > Got a Cisco VPN connection with my office, but can't manage to get it
>> > running. I've seen that there's a:
>> >
>> >     - vpnc package: installed it, but it doesn't import the .pcf file,
>> >       says it can't find the file.
>> pcf2vnc /path/to/file.pcf
> Didn't know of that command 0:)
>> Seems easy. When it says it can't find the file, then you specified the
>> wrong file. So what exactly is the problem?
> Well the problem is (hope I could write was, but haven't tried it yet ;) that
> the path is right and so's the file. I'll try now with the pcf2vpnc command.
> Thanks for the tip !!!
>> >     - cisco-vpnclient: but it's out-dated
>> This software is the greatest piece of shit ever published from what I
>> know. But what do you expect from Cisco? A company that solves security
>> problems by preventing the details from being published can not be taken
>> seriously. And a company that sells a VPN appliance that is insecure by
>> design can't either.
> I know it sucks, had to patch it and patch it again when I used openSUSE
> because it didn't work. AFAIK they have no 64 bit VPN client, they have no up
> to date Linux VPN client, ... I'm not a Cisco fan, but my company has Cisco
> gateways/firewalls/whatever and I have no voice into that matter :(
> Thanks once again for your help :)

I usually recommend strongSwan (which is in AUR) for interoperability
with Cisco concentrators. It works quite well, but it's not simple to
set up initially. I still believe it to be the best technical
solution, but it would be beyond me to explain how to do it, via
email, and for an unfamiliar situation.

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