On Thu, 30 Jul 2009 18:06:47 -0400
David Rosenstrauch <dar...@darose.net> wrote:

> Rene Rasmussen wrote:
> > What driver do you use for accessing the ext3 partitions?
> > I found the following to choose from:
> > Ext2 IFS and Ext2 FSD
> > 
> > How is the stability. Did you have any trouble getting it to work?
> > 
> > Until now I have only used ext3 for one of my external harddrives,
> > the other two have been formatted with the ntfs filesystem. It
> > would be nice though to be able to use the drives with the native
> > linux filesystem instead.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Best regards,
> > Rene
> I've used Ext2 IFS, but only lightly.  Seems to work fine, as it was 
> able to both read from and write to an ext3 partition.  But again
> I've not used it in a heavy duty configuration, or used it often.
> HTH,
> DR

Since I have my external drives formatted as ext3 since years I've used
ext2 IFS a couple of times and it worked very well, except once where
it just didn't. ext fsd worked fine in that case. Never heard of that
total commander plugin, might be a nice option.


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