Hey everybody,

I was wondering whether anybody else had trouble since the update to
extra/gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins 0.10.14-1 and
extra/gstreamer0.10-good-plugins 0.10.16-1 using applications that make
use of gstreamer. A couple of people including me seem to have issues
with it that cause all gstreamer applications to fail. I'm bringing this
up on the mailing list because I can't seem to find the root cause of
the problem by myself and because gstreamer is a critical part of any
Gnome setup (gnome-settings-daemon fails without it, for example).

The problem on running gstreamer applications is this: Error re-scanning
registry , child terminated by signal
Even gnome-settings-daemon in debug mode has little more relevant info
than this error message. Since gstreamer itself probably doesn't provide
detail logs of what went wrong, I'm having trouble finding the cause.
The gstreamer bug tracker doesn't have a bug filed on this so I don't
know whether this is an Arch problem or an upstream problem.

The Arch bug report is here: http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/16060

Can you guys try to help out debugging?

-- Sven-Hendrik

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