Forsight linux does something like this, but their server side was
closed source the last time I took a look(back in February).

It is a very interesting idea, and could speed things up a lot.  It
would make downloading packages to install elsewhere a pain in some
cases though.  Using GIT as-is would be a bad idea(perhaps hack
mercurial to do the work instead?).

It would be rather non-KISS, but it does not sound too hard so long as
you do not allow for rollbacks(Just store a list of what files are
different and thus would need to be updated).

goodmenz if you want to try to hack something together, I should have
time to assist, although not much(still in school, busy semester).
Anyone else interested?

Forking mercurial and pacman into MerMan would be the new Linux
package management system which finally bring about the year of the
Linux desktop!


On 9/9/09, Caleb Cushing <> wrote:
> you are forgetting how quickly and ginormassly huge the git repo's would
> get.
> --
> Caleb Cushing

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