On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 16:09, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyryl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I am looking for hosting that support Arch.
> Most probably this will be a VPS hosting (because of price),
> so official Arch Linux support is required.
> So far the list include:
>  http://www.slicehost.com/
>  http://vpslink.com/ (a subsidiary of http://www.spry.com/)
>  http://www.vpsville.com/arch-vps (also .co.uk and .co.ca)
>  http://www.linode.com/
>  http://lylix.net/
>  https://www.sevenl.net/ (they have donated a server for Arch,
>    and provide a dedicated hosting with Arch too)
> If there is someone who has experience with these providers
> - I would be very thankful for information.
> Also if someone knows about other providers that could join the list
> - let me know.

Thanks everyone for comments!

So here are my preliminary thoughts:
* Linode offers more (esp. RAM) than Slicehost and others for 20$,
  and they even provide 64-bit Xen kernel
  (and even more - allow using a custom kernel with PV-GRUB).
* Lylix and SevenL offers less than others in 20-25$ price range.
* VPSLink and VPSVille start from 8$ (64M enough for a homepage?).
* VPSVille has a datacenter in the UK,
  which gives me roughly twice lower ping delays than Canada/USA.
  Anyone knows other good providers in EU?
* Found an interesting provider: http://openhosting.com/
  which uses KVM and has an interesting pricing scheme.

I hope to get things ready for deployment around December-January.
Until then I'm close to start with VPSVille UK
and use its 8$ plan as a sandbox.
When demands for a hosting will rise I may move to Linode.

Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)

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