On Tuesday 01 December 2009 09:11:00 and regarding:

> Maybe you also need to understand what you are doing and what the
> commands mean instead of brainless copy/paste.


I appologize if I sounded flippant in my approach to copying files back to 
replace the sound modules, but rest assured that I understand fully what I'm 
doing when I do it and if not, I read until I do. (now granted, I have 
misunderstood a man page or two in my days ;-) This issue is just so off-the-
wall that it has caught me somewhat off guard. It seems so narrowly tailored 
to the sound system that it is like the last kernel install just omitted the 
sound modules (and I think it did -- see below)

> if /lib/modules/2.6.31-ARCH/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-intel.ko does
> not exist, you need to go all the way up to /lib/modules to see what
> exist, if anything at all.
> You can also just 'find /lib/modules' to display all files in there.

I picked through the modules previously and missed what I think is the whole 
problem with the sound -- and it does look like the last kernel install simply 
failed to install the modules. I think this split screen view from konqueror 
provides the evidence of what is going on (sound-preoss.tar.bz2 was never 
extracted and installed). In the konqueror screenshot, my laptop is shown in 
the left vertical pane and another Arch x86_64 box is shown in the right pane. 
Now I do not understand why sound-preoss.tar.bz2 wasn't installed on my 
laptop, but it contains all the sound files:


[12:11 alchemy:/lib/modules/2.6.31-ARCH] # tar -tjf sound-preoss.tar.bz2 | 
grep intel

Where can I look to try and find the reason sound-preoss-bz2.jpg was left 

Can you think of a reason this could have happened during an update? The only 
way I update packages for the system is throught "pacman -Syu" when doing an 
update and that shouldn't have said don't install the sound.

Not knowing more about the way Arch handles the sound-preoss.tar.bz2 file or 
what post processing is needed, I'm unclear how to proceed. Is it safer to 
attempt a reinstall of the kernel, or is it safe to just extract the sound 
modules and then use modprobe?

> and pacman -Q kernel26 tells you whether kernel26 is installed or not.
> It's probably a good idea to check that too, maybe you removed it ?
> You also need to check running kernel (uname -r) matches the one installed.

12:08 alchemy:~/dt/kdm/themes> uname -r

12:28 alchemy:~/dt/kdm/themes> pmq | grep kernel
kernel26-firmware 2.6.31-1

Hmm, kernel headers is a minor version behind, but that's the latest with the 
current updates. That shouldn't have done it, should it?

> If you want to check which files are inside kernel26 , you have to do :
> pacman -Ql kernel26
> pacman -Ql kernel26 | grep snd-hda-intel
> would be much more interesting and meaningful than
> pacman -Q kernel26 | grep snd-hda-intel
> which was just a small typo or overlook of Flavio.


12:28 alchemy:~/dt/kdm/themes> pacman -Ql kernel26 | grep snd-hda-intel
kernel26 /lib/modules/2.6.31-ARCH/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-intel.ko

It's there, it's just sitting in sound-preoss.tar.bz2 right now. How to 

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
Telephone: (936) 715-9333
Facsimile: (936) 715-9339

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