> A quick look into testing shows that I won't be able to update the
> 2.6.32 kernel due to dependencies on klib invalidating my 'old'
> mkinitcpio package. Unfortunately I'm stuck here, since without this
> 'old' package for mkinitcpio (0.5.24-1) I'm unable to resume from
> hibernate in tuxonice.
> Any suggestions?

The hook I have is this,and resume with tuxonice works just fine. I'm
using latest mkinitcpio
(as always)

# vim:set ft=sh:
run_hook ()
    fmtdevice () { echo "${1}:${2}"; }

    if [ -n "${resume}" ] && poll_device "${resume}" ${rootdelay}; then
        # Try resuming with tuxonice
        if [ -d "${tuxoniceroot}" ]; then
            echo ${resume} > ${tuxoniceroot}/resume
            echo > ${tuxoniceroot}/do_resume

        # Try resuming with vanilla hibernation
        if [ -e "/sys/power/resume" ]; then
            eval $(/bin/parseblock "${resume}")
            fmtdevice ${BLOCKDEVICE} > /sys/power/resume

I don't remember if I hacked this hook somewhat or it's vanilla


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