Le 18/12/2009 08:33, Magnus Therning a écrit :
> Go to http://enigmail.mozdev.org/download/index.php you'll be able to
> put in the combination "linux (x86_64)" and "Thunderbird 3.0" (thanks
> to a fellow Arch user it seems :-)

Hi there,

I'm the maintainer of the enigmail package on AUR, and I've contributed
x86_64 builds of Enigmail since the 0.95.7 release.

The .xpi on the website is built using the AUR package, so both are good ;)

> That's the add-on I'm using at home.  Do note that the reports of
> incompatibility between lightning and enigmail are fully true, i.e.
> have both add-ons enabled and you'll loose some text in your menu,
> disable either and everything looks good again.  Irritating indeed!

I have both Lightning and Enigmail too, but I have never encountered any

May this be related to a GTK theme or something like this?



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