2009/12/13 Logan Rathbone <popro...@gmail.com>

> David, are you running (Arch) Linux in your law office?  If so, could
> you describe your experiences?  What do you use for time and 
> billing<lrath...@uwo.ca>

I'm also running an entire law office on linux. We chose Debian Linux,
because the person who is responsible for our server and network is an
official debian-developer.

I'm myself responsible for making a PHP-interface to all the different
services we are running. It is my goal to have all of these working together
in my PHP-driven intranet-site:
- NFS for storing all our documents, templates etc. (*)
- dovecot for our IMAP-mail (***)
- asterisk for our telephones (*)
- LDAP for our addressbooks (* - Read only)
- davical for our calendars (* - Read only)
- templating over PHP for our standardized documents (**)
- billing and time management (***)

* = done
** = not completely working
*** = planned feature

Any of the features that is not working in my PHP-driven frontend, can be
done with standalone applications (file manager, openoffice, evolution) or
webbased applications (contagged, roundcube webmail etc.). That's the whole
purpose of my system: tailored to fit our needs and if it should fail, we're
not tied to this app, because it is built around open standards.

It is a lot of work, but since a month or two it is really getting usable
and saving us time.

We have an accountant that does all the billing for us, so I don't have any
recommendations on that. Bambooinvoice looks good. Maybe I could give it a


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