Am 11.01.2010 17:48, schrieb Chris Brannon:
> Is there any reason why building x86_64 packages under
> qemu-system-x86_64 would be a bad idea?  It is a little slow, but it is
> usable.  Plus, qemu has a curses interface.

It is not a little slow, but painfully slow (remember: the compiler runs
in an emulated environment, where each CPU instruction issued by the
compiler is translated into a CPU instruction that the host CPU
understands, and the result is somehow translated back). You could build
a package that consists of a handfull of source files, but any bigger
project will be impossible.

If you really want to do this, it might be better (but surely not
easier, this is rather Voodoo) to port makepkg to using a cross-compiler

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