On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 12:52:57PM -0500, Carlos Williams wrote:
> Here is my error:
> ::Running Hook [mdadm]
> Waiting 10 seconds for device /dev/md0
> Root device '/dev/md0' doesn't exist, attempting to create it
> ERROR: Failed to parse block device for ids for /dev/md0
> ERROR: Unable to detect or create root device /dev/md0
> You are being dropped into a recovery shell
> Type reboot to reboot
> Type exit to try and continue booting

There was a problem with one of the mkinitcpio's, the mdadm line in
/lib/initcpio/install/autodetect was missing a "-v" flag. This was
necessary in newer versions of mdadm. I never reported it because the fix
was already in mkinitcpio's git repo.

Fixes: you can add that -v flag yourself to the line which begins "for
raidmod in $(mdadm [add -v here]..."

Or you can use mkinitcpio 0.5.27-1 in [testing].

Or boot using the fallback kernel image, which doesn't use autodetect.
And wait until mkinitcpio makes it way to the core repos.

Jim Pryor

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