On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 7:56 PM, Alexander Duscheleit
<ji...@archlinux.us> wrote:
> I didn't know, where to put a proper reply in this thread, because
> basically you are all doing the same mistake. I will just outline the
> procedure here briefly and then explain where it all went wrong :)
> 1 - cfdisk  # the settings in Carlos' 1st mail look sane
> 2 - modprobe raid1
> 3 - mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb2
> 4 - /arch/setup # we save the mdadm -D --scan for later
> !!!! 5 - before getting to the "Configure System" part,
>         open up another console (Alt-F2) and do
>         mdadm -D --scan >> /mnt/etc/mdadm.conf
>         (you have to do this before mkinitcpio runs
>         in the "Configure" stage, but after the target
>         system is mounted, so between "Install Packages"
>         and "Configure System" should be fine)
> 6 - continue the setup as described in OP (skip the cp -a part)


All I can say is THANK YOU! Seriously solved one of the most
frustrating things for me. Not to neglect everyone else you offered
their working methods but the suggested steps above were perfect and
worked spot on! I can't believe how easy that was! I now have exactly
what I wanted...a working Arch Linux server running Software RAID1 on
both drives. I will create my own Wiki even though I now now I was
just doing the right step at the wrong time...

Thank you all for an awesome community of assistance and getting me
right where I want to be!


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