On Thursday 28 January 2010 03:42:27 Gaurish Sharma wrote:
> I was able to launch Amarok via the extra media key present on my
> keyboard. been using the exact same method for speedcrunch, it does
> not work :(

Pl. follow these steps and tell us if it worked.

- Go to system settings -> input actions
- right click on an empty space in the left side pane, select new group, give 
it a name. There is a box on right hand side of that tree, that is a checkbox, 
enable/check  it.
- right click on the newly created tree node, select new -> global shortcut -> 
command/URL. A similar node will be created, name it and enable it as above
- Click on the newly created node, fill in action and the shortcut
- click apply.

I repeated same steps exactly and managed to map ksudoku to Ctrl+U.


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