On Thu, 2010-02-11 at 16:25 +0100, Thomas Bächler wrote:
> Am 11.02.2010 15:32, schrieb Tomás Acauan Schertel:
> > This is the second time it happens.
> > When upgrading kernel, I got this message:
> > 
> > :: Parsing hook [autodetect]
> > /lib/initcpio/install/autodetect: line 17: other:swap:2: command not found
> > :: Parsing hook [pata]
> > 
> > Am I the only one seeing this?
> > 
> > Cheers.
> Can you install testing/mkinitcpio to see if this is fixed, please?
I've seen that advise come up sometimes from a package maintainer. Can
this be assumed to mean (as I'm sure some will assume it to mean) that
its safe to cherry-pick just mkinitcpio from testing? Or does the tester
need to 'know' to -Syu from testing totally?

Nothing specifically at you, Thomas, more a general question (hence I'm
changing the title, its a different thread).

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