On Mon, 8 Mar 2010 22:33:16 +0530
Nilesh Govindarajan <li...@itech7.com> wrote:

> So you want to do a templated installation something like that of
> kickstart availalbe in Fedora, Redhat and CentOS.
> It is possible using Arch Installation Framework but it is under
> development and not meant for use in production.

aif is the installation software which is pretty stable and has
officially replaced the old /arch/setup and /arch/quickinst scripts
since august last year. (it also supports automated installations)

it has however nothing to do with the actual creation of images.
we (arch-releng) use the archiso tool to do that, there's also the
unofficial archboot scripts which are meant for creation of
lightweight, early-userspace-only images.


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