On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 12:23 AM, Paul Mattal <p...@mattal.com> wrote:
> So this is a weird one, but I think I just made some headway.
> Apparently, this seems to be related to the ACTUAL CPU of the box I build
> on. When building on an i686 Arch box running on an AMD 64 CPU, the build
> generates the broken binaries! When I build on an Intel CPU, it works fine.
> So it would appear this is at least in part Tomcat's build process's fault
> for not building the right thing based on the uname -m but rather looking
> directly at the processor.
> Yuck. Perhaps I will at least add a note to the PKGBUILD suggesting this
> issue, so that the next poor person who decides to update tomcat doesn't
> trip over this same thing.
> Thanks, all, for working this through with me.

Why not just stop building tomcat from source? What advantage does it
give over just using the upstream binary distro?

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