On 11 March 2010 10:30, Chris Allison
<chris.charles.alli...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On 11 March 2010 10:23, Chris Allison <chris.charles.alli...@googlemail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Morning,
>> Since updating yesterday, all my php scripts that connect to a mysql 
>> database (whether local or over the network) stopped being able to connect.  
>> I had to append the port number to the host definition in the mysql connect 
>> function call to get them to work again.  I have been unable to find what 
>> has changed.  Any ideas where the change may have happened.
>> thanks
>> Chris Allison
> Hi,
> Digging a bit deeper, the php.ini directive mysql_default_port is not set, 
> though it has never been set in my php.ini.  setting that to 3306 solved the 
> problem.
> Sorry for the noise.
> Cheers
> Chris


This would appear to be an upstream bug/feature. from the
mysql_connect doc page comments:

"The php.ini file suggests that PHP will select the port by using the
$MYSQL_TCP_PORT or the mysql-tcp entry in /etc/services, but in this
case it is not so.  /etc/services on my machine has 3306 listed, but
it didn't get picked up."



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