Am oder ungefähr am Sonntag, 14. März 2010, schrieb
> On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 05:02:47PM +0100, Edgar Kalkowski wrote:
> > In this case you can either use labels or uuids to identify them in 
> > /etc/fstab, e.g.
> > 
> > /dev/disk/by-label/Data /mnt/Data vfat 
> > uid=root,gid=users,showexec,user,noauto,umask=002,utf8,shortname=mixed 0 0
> > /dev/disk/by-uuid/55ba4890-140e-4087-8851-3c17b295c421 /mnt/Archiv ext4 
> > defaults,user,exec,noauto 0 0
> Don't know for the uuid, but for a label you can
> just write:
> LABEL=/Data /mnt/Data vfat 
> uid=root,gid=users,showexec,user,noauto,umask=002,utf8,shortname=mixed 0 0
> as well.

This works with UUID=… as well but I had some problems in the past with the KDE 
device notifier refusing to mount those devices with an error message like 
“that device is listed in /etc/fstab, refusing to mount”. This did not happen 
any longer after I switched to /dev/disk/by-uuid/….

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