Hello listmates,

Here is a problem i encountered:
twm doesn't start...i got this message instead:
/usr/bin/twm:  unable to open fontset <anyfont>

I tried almost all the fonts xfontsel showed me, including "fixed",
"terminal", "terminus", but with no success...
But when i changed my $LANG from en_US.utf8 to C, twm worked!

I tried to start twm into my friends pc (archlinux x64 also) and it worked
right away (LANG=en_US.utf8)

Searched Google and Archlinux forums, but seems like i'm the only person who
have this problem (or bother with twm :P)
I'd like to log in to twm, without having to change $LANG variable (as the
normal behaviour is)...Can someone help me here?

PS. I attached my xorg.conf, in case it matters...

Attachment: xorg.conf
Description: Binary data

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