Peter Cannon wrote:
pacman -Si xfce|less

and looked for a package that might get me to a minimal desktop I could work 
I thought maybe xfdesktop...

pacman -S xfdesktop
Why have you done this? If you look at the 'man' page you will see

xfdesktop manages the desktop itself in the Xfce 4 Desktop Environment.

You should have done pacman -S xfce4

By the sound of it you've only installed part of the desktop environment.

Looks like xfdesktop packages doesn't specify some of its dependancies (which is probably
provided in the xfce4 group). should also include that there's a group with that name. I don't think it was a bad expectation from his part, looking at pacman -Ss xfce output. And even then, it could have worked, would xfdesktop have taken as dependancies the whole desktop.

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