On 03/23/2010 11:12 PM, Carlos Mennens wrote:
I today installed Apache on my Arch Linux server. I did the following:

# pacman -S php apache php-apache mcrypt pcre

Then I edited the /etc/php/php.ini file&  un-commented the following:


I then restarted the 'httpd' service and when I try to render a HTML
page with PHP code, it wont rendor the code properly and just looks
like a script / code. I don't understand why I can't get Apache to
render PHP pages. Does anyone know what I am missing? This is only a
problem for me on Arch. RHEL, Debian, Ubuntu. and Slackware all work
out of the box.

Any suggestions?

yes. read the wiki about LAMP. installing packages is not enough. you have to tell apache to use php and is described on the wiki.


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