On 24 March 2010 23:52, Linas <linas...@ymail.com> wrote:
> Damien Churchill wrote:
>> I've got a rather confusing issue with man. Whenever I try and view a
>> man page I just end up with a blank screen.
>> http://www.imagebam.com/image/41dd5973332829
>> This occurs for any page, even for local ones. I was wondering if
>> anyone would be able to shed any light on why this is occuring?
>> Thanks,
>> Damien
> Does less work with other files?
> What happens if you use a different pager? Eg.  PAGER=more man ls

Hmm no that doesn't work, it just exits immediately without displaying
anything. I also just tried man -Hchromium ls, and that displays a
blank webpage.

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