On Wed, 24 Mar 2010 11:18:07 -0400
Carlos Mennens <carlosw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I noticed today when editing a config file for Postfix in Vim that one
> value was listed in white text only and everything else was in color.
> This lead me to beleive the value or parameter was wrong or not being
> recognized by Postfix configuration but it is. I asked Postfix and the
> said:
> "Your VIM syntax highlighter is out of date"
> Can anyone tell me if there is a way to update this manually if I have
> the latest version of Vim in my Arch repo?

I assume you are talking about data_directory?

The pfmain.vim file that arch has is the latest that is shipped from
upstream vim as far as I can see. There is a couple of newer versions
floating around on the net tho, here is one of them:
But even that one doesn't have "data_directory" defined as a keyword.
It's rather trivial to add it tho.

But as said by a smart person:
"You should not depend on vim to tell you what keyword is valid in your

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