It would appear that on Mar 30, Thomas Bächler did say:

> Am 29.03.2010 23:58, schrieb Joe(theWordy)Philbrook:
> > I do hope this is a valid adaption of the above template:
> > 
> > SUBSYSTEM=="block", ENV{ID_FS_LABEL}=="j10_lap-10", OWNER="jtwdyp", 
> > GROUP="jtwdyp"
> Looks fine to me.
> > But I wonder if this would be applicable to my other linux as well?
> If it uses udev, it should work.

Thank you for the confirmation Thomas, empirical testing will soon
confirm if it works in my arch installation as I've already included
3 such "rules" in my new /etc/udev/rules.d/99-local-disk.rules file,
and commented out the line in my rc.local that sourced my old kludge.
As of this boot cycle I can at least confirm that the addition of the
udev rule file caused no errors. Next boot should confirm that I don't
need the kludge anymore... If it fails, I'll follow up here...

But since I expect that this is my last posting on this thread, I'd
like to thank you again for so kindly including such a well formed
example when you suggested I man udev. Incidentally your example
included the scroogle search term "ENV{ID_FS_UUID}" which wasn't in
the man udev output except in very general terms that assumed the
reader knew what "key" values were possible. That soon led to a
confirmation that "ID_FS_LABEL" was also a valid key. the "GROUP"
variable name was mostly a guess that was initially confirmed only by
vim's syntax highlighting that color matched it to "OWNER".
But if I'd had to depend on man udev, I'd still be as stuck as I was
the last time I tried to understand what udev was all about. back when
the attempt turned my brains to mush until I figured out how to
implement my kludge (I think that was on Kubuntu breezy, but it might
have been fedora core 2... I lose lots of memories to CRS ya know)

But like I said Thomas:

TTTTTTTTTTTT  HH      HH        AA       NN      NN  KK             SSSS
     TT       HH      HH       A  A      NNNN    NN  KK      KK    SS    SS
     TT       HH      HH      AA  AA     NN NN   NN  KK    KK     SS
     TT       HHHHHHHHHH     AAAAAAAA    NN  NN  NN  KK  KK         SSSSS
     TT       HH      HH    AA      AA   NN   NN NN  KKKK  KK            SS
     TT       HH      HH   AA        AA  NN    NNNN  KK      KK   SS    SS
     TT       HH      HH  AA          AA NN      NN  KK        KK   SSSS

|   ---   ___
|   <0>   <->     Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|       ^              J(tWdy)P
|    ~\___/~      <<>>

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