On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 5:05 PM, Heiko Baums <li...@baums-on-web.de> wrote:
> Am Tue, 30 Mar 2010 22:10:22 +0800
> schrieb Ian-Xue Li <da.mi.spi...@gmail.com>:
>> As for MOC, I recommend cmus over MOC because it got more decoder over
>> different types files.
> Well, just tried cmus. It's so complicated an unintuitive. If I need to
> first finish my degree to be able to use a program then there's
> something wrong with it. If I add a directory to the playlist, there
> are no tracks listed in the playlist, only the directory, and the
> tracks are played in random order, there's no progress bar, etc. And to
> do simple things, you first need to enter complicated vi like
> commands. I hate vi, btw. And my impression is that the sound quality
> of MOC is still a bit better.
> I doubt that one need the other decoders. At least I haven't missed a
> decoder in MOC.

Heh cmus is probably my preferred player now so I ought to defend it.

Too complicated, seriously ? The only command I ever need is the
initial one to add my music directory :
              # add files, short for ':add ~/music'
              :a ~/music

After that, all you need is 3 keys : space to expand an artist and
view the albums, enter to play what you want, tab to switch between
album view and track view if you want a particular track.

By the way, in the main/default mode, you don't see directory, you see
artist/albums from tags.
       There are 7 views in cmus.  Press keys 1-7 to change active view.
       Library view (1)

And these 5 shortcuts can be useful too :
       x              player-play
       c              player-pause
       v              player-stop
       C              toggle continue
       s              toggle shuffle

You cannot pretend you want keyboard controls, and not open the man
page to learn the few keys you need :)

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