Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 01:12:15PM +0200, Linas wrote:
>>> If your main problem is to create playlists for a recursive music tree,
>>> I guess that
>>> this would work with pretty much all players:
>>> find /path/to/music > music-list.m3u
>>> $PLAYER music-list.m3u
>> One shortcoming of this way is that you might need a expert shell script
>> to update the lists containing the file, plus that filename handling
>> needs some work with shell scripts.
> Actually though *_IF_* the $PLAYER doesn't choke on the lines representing 
> each
> directory itself being included with the list of the music files within it, 
> so that
> I don't have to edit the resulting .m3u file. Then it looks like updating 
> would be
> handled by simply letting the command overwrite the old .m3u with the new 
> contents...
> So I guess it wouldn't require that fancy a shell script. Probably even I
> could write one...

find -type f  :)
You may want a script to automatically update the list, run it manually
or from cron,
add -name constraints for some file types...
I just wanted to remind you that you can use it. Advanced options are an
exercise for
the reader :)

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