On Sat, Apr 03, 2010 at 05:59:18PM -0400, Keith Hinton wrote:

> First of all, if anyone is curious as to why I have posted to the
> Arch-General mailing list, I'm mainly doing this, in case any of the
> Arch Release team is actually hanging out on this list.
> I was curious, seeing as the last Arch Linux release was in August of
> last year, if there will be one for the lovely new year of 2010?

There are no 'releases', Arch is continuously updated.
When you install you get the latest versions of everything,
not some release that was frozen some time ago.
After installation update you system e.g. once every few
weeks. This just takes a single command, and you never
have to do full re-install.



O tu, che porte, correndo si ?
E guerra e morte !

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