On 24/04/10 15:47, Loui Chang wrote:
> On Sat 24 Apr 2010 11:06 +0100, Magnus Therning wrote:
>> Is there a way to raise an identical task against multiple packages in
>> FlySpray?
>> I'd like to raise a task against all binary haskell-* packages, but I'd
>> rather like to avoid wearing out my mouse doing it ;-)
> Open one task and list all the packages in the details.

Is that just a suggestion from you, or the official Arch way of doing it?

The reason I'm asking is that I just don't see how raising a single task would
make sure that it gets done.  There are more than one maintainer of the
haskell-* packages in [extra] and [community].  Who would the task be assigned


Magnus Therning                        (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus@therning.org          Jabber: magnus@therning.org
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