On 30/04/10 09:08, Ananda Samaddar wrote:
Does anyone agree with this?  If so how do I go about requesting the
creation of such a list?  The list would be for discussion
around security in Arch, implementations and user/dev input etc.  It
seems like package signing has moved up the agenda now and I've also
got a few things I'd like to suggest but I feel we'd be better served
by a separate mailing list for security.

We have a list for the integration of package signing into pacman... or in fact, anything related to the development of pacman. And from past discussions of package signing, I expect this slowly die over the next week with no actual progress made. I

Security issues with packages should be reported to the bug tracker. Information on how to harden a system belongs in the wiki. Queries on securing your system to the forums or mailing lists (after reading the wiki, searching google etc...).

I do not see what is not already covered.


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