On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 10:40 AM, Nilesh Govindarajan <li...@itech7.com> wrote:
> On 05/06/2010 01:58 PM, Johannes Held wrote:
>> solsTiCe d'Hiver<solstice.dhi...@gmail.com>:
>>> One of the ways to speed up firefox is to put your ~/.mozilla in a tmpfs
>>> (doing it the right way, else you loose your data). This have been
>>> discussed somewhere I think.
>>> How else ?
>> You mean that wikientry?
>> http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Speed-up_Firefox_using_tmpfs
> I did this to test how well tmpfs works for me:
> mv .mozilla /dev/shm/moz
> ln -s /dev/shm/moz .mozilla
> There was some difference, but not too much as expected.
> --
> Nilesh Govindarajan
> Site & Server Administrator
> www.itech7.com
> मेरा भारत महान !
> मम भारत: महत्तम भवतु !

You should look into the Vacuum Places Improved addon for Firefox
It defrags the sqlite places file.


Alexander Lam

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