On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 8:14 PM, Pierre Chapuis <catw...@archlinux.us> wrote:
>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/133601/can-regular-expressions-be-used-to-match-nested-patterns
> Actually if you read the page linked above completely you will notice that it 
> says that you can. Regexps like POSIX that use finite automata can't but PCRE 
> (that are everywhere) can, at least recent versions. That's also why they are 
> slower.

oh, indeed, thanks! i somehow skipped all those and went straight to
read about CFG/PEG...

here's what seems to work in php (and i assume in many server side languages):

sadly it (flag x) didn't work in any browser (js) i tested...


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