On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 19:16, Caleb Cushing <xenoterrac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> as of right now I don't think <video> is ready. however I'm all for
> many of the other improvements coming in html5 and I wish people would
> focus on rolling those out.
> [...]
> I tried html5 again on youtube, my video took several minutes to load
> compared to flash which works nearly instantly.Given since I'm on
> chromium 5 I don't think it was a webm video... so that may matter...
> but if this is what html5 is going to be like... not sure I want it.

Personally, if it wasn't for HTML5 I wouldn't be able to use YouTube.
My laptop is ancient and decrepit, and cannot handle Flash on Linux,
but the <video> element works just fine, and loads as fast as I'm used
to Flash video loading. Maybe there's a bit of a slowdown versus Flash
if you have a cutting-edge system, but not everyone is in that


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