On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 3:59 AM, Philipp Überbacher
<hollun...@lavabit.com> wrote:
> Flash or some players seem to still be buggy. I recently booted a live
> CD to watch a long video, and at some point, out of the blue, it was
> simply impossible to seek forward or backward. The Volume controls did
> nothing at all. Hurray for flash video?

that's you're example? I've had livecd's become useless run
environments due to IO problems... tell me your test was at least a
livecd environment loaded completely into ram.

> Have you tried that asteroids game linked in an earlier post in this
> thread? IMHO it works surprisingly well.

no. don't do games much anymore. I personally don't care about them. I
have seen several decent js examples of games and canvas and whatever.
But I do believe in this stuff needing to be supported across all
major vendors before it's ready. It's not supported yet. I hate IE,
and I might leave 'features out' of my IE support but I think that
even IE users should be able to access my content. The reason I
believe this is I know how many site's screwed us for years (and still
are). I don't want to be screwed and I'm not screwing anyone else.

Caleb Cushing


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