Maybe someone could help me out. I would like to report a bug but I am not quite sure what happened.

I made a parallel port  micro controller programmer on Sunday.
Since my desktop system does not have a parallel port anymore [noticed this after I was done :( ] I connected the programmer to my server which is/was running a couple month old version of ARCH i686.

I proceeded to install these packages: avr-libc avrdude binutils-avr gcc-avr
I *think* that (this was late at night) one of the dependencies was new linux-headers but no kernel.
I answered all with yes and the installation started.
As soon as it was done I could no longer execute commands and my system would only return "Illegal instruction". I restarted using the reset switch and was greeted by a kernel panic. All options on the grub boot menu will result in a kernel panic.

I tried to follow this guide
but when I want to chroot I get "Illegal instruction". The file system is mountable and everything appears to be fine. I searched around a bit and it appears that this sort of thing happens when you use an i686 kernel with a i386 computer but this system used to run fine.

I was about to reload this machine but maybe someone could help me figure out what happened exactly so that this can be prevented in the future?

Here are the machine specs:
OS: Arch i686 (2-3 months old)
Mainboard: VIA EPIA-M (I think this has a 1GHz CPU)
Storage: LVM 2x 250GB
special configuration: grub2, /boot on LVM
installed: apache2, php5, mysql, samba, sshd

Any takers :)  ?
Wo Unrecht zu Recht wird, wird Widerstand zur Pflicht.
[Bertolt Brecht]

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