Excerpts from David C. Rankin's message of 2010-06-29 07:05:04 +0200:
> Guys,
>     This may be normal, but I thought we had moved beyond having to manually 
> unmount CD/DVDs after use -- so I have either messed something up or there is 
> a 
> lingering problem.
>     The setup - new i686 install updated through today. I never watch DVDs on 
> the 
> computer, but my son wanted to watch one and his sister had my laptop 
> watching 
> another movie on it, so I set his box up to watch DVDs using totem in gnome. 
> After gathering all the dvdread/nav/etc.. all played just fine on his nvidia 
> 9600 card and the nvidia 256.35-1 module.
>     The problem occurred after I stopped the dvd and then exited totem. When 
> I 
> tried to eject the DVD, it wouldn't -- the drive was still mounted (confirmed 
> with mount). Unmounting the drive fixed the problem, but I was left wondering 
> --> surely we shouldn't be still stuck with manually unmounting DVDs in 
> Gnome??
>     This being the first DVD I've tried to play, I didn't know, so I thought 
> I 
> would put it out to the community for a quick answer and try to figure out if 
> this was something that needs reporting. Bug?

Wow, even after quitting? I know at least one app that behaves badly in
a similar way, aqualung, which prevents you from ejecting CDs or
anything else in the drive while the app is running, even if you don't
access it.

So what I'd look for is some totem, or related, process that keeps
running, despite you quitting totem. I've had this problem with a couple
of apps in the past, but usually with no, or the consequence of not being able
to restart the app, because it's still 'running'.


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