On 30/07/10 12:28, Caleb Cushing wrote:
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Smith Dhumbumroong<zodma...@gmail.com>  wrote:
I'd rather wait and let the devs sort out any/all problems with the new
version of perl, or any software for that matter, before releasing it,
rather than rushing to releasing it in order to "win" a nonexistent race.

On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 8:06 PM, Allan McRae<al...@archlinux.org>  wrote:
The goal of Arch Linux is not to package things faster than everybody else.
  The goal of Arch is to make the distribution that the developers want to
use.  It just happens that Arch developers like having most things packaged
quickly so that is what we do.

you know Allan... every time I hear what arch /is/ I hear something
different. Arch /is/ a rolling distribution, it is not meant to be as
stable as other distributions. This does not mean we release
everything carelessly, and we generally have a good balance between
'stable' and 'current'. I'm generally not dissatisfied.

My point by the way is that this could have been released to stable ~3
months ago. I really would like to not see Mandriva, Ubuntu, OpenSuse,
and Fedora all have it in their stable distro's when we don't. As I've
pointed out OpenSuse already has it in there stable 11.3.

My point remains that same.   It will get done when:
1) a developer cares enough about perl
2) that developer has time to finish the update.

Until a point of time you have a couple of options. Use the [testing] repo or, given you appear to know what you are doing, select individual packages to install from there. Or you could wait... I hear rumors of it being moved in the next few days, and certainly before we tackle the python rebuild in two weeks time.

You can call me a wanker, and talk about your life all you want... but
I volunteered to help, I know another that did too. We were turned
down. I can't do what I don't have the 'privileges' to do, and neither
can anyone else. There aren't any patches needed (so far as I can
tell). The only thing left to do is rebuild community -dbd's and move
everything to stable (so far as I can tell), if there's more no one
has mentioned it.

As I said earlier, I know you volunteered, and the bug reports you have file were useful, but with emails like the one starting this thread:

On 29/07/2010, Caleb Cushing <xenoterrac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> mandriva beat us to a new version of perl
> http://jquelin.blogspot.com/2010/07/perls-state-in-mandriva-cooker.html
> how embarrassing.

the general impression I am left with is that you were not someone to bring on to the developer team to do this job, not because of lack of skill, but because of attitude. As I said earlier, attitude is often more important than competency.


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