On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 2:09 PM, Loui Chang <louipc....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun 15 Aug 2010 07:08 -0700, mike rosset wrote:
>> > Someone unaware of dotfiles might miss them, but others (blind or
>> > sighted) should be able to access them without issue.
>> And all of this has nothing to do with the orignal issue /usr/local. I
>> only suggested using something in $HOME for "user" based scripts which
>> can be anything it does not matter.
>> It only serves to deflect from why is /usr/local/{bin,sbin} not part
>> of the default search PATH? when its a FHS standard and has always
>> been used for custom system wide installs? Obviously a competent
>> system administrator can add this. However does this mean we should
>> remove /usr/bin now to? since any competent admin can add that also.
> Haha. Don't be so aggressive against discussion on an issue that you
> brought up in the first place. We're just trying to help put things in
> their proper place. But yeah I agree there are too many silly tangents
> on this issue. So let somebody submit a patch and get it over with.

yes, i don't see any harm in just adding it and moving on...  this is
heading toward bikeshed; in which case i choose green.

C Anthony

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