2010-08-19 20:43 -0400, Carlos Mennens wrote:

| It's very frustrating in Arch that my directories[blue], text
| files[white], tarballs[red], symbolic links[blue], and
| scripts[green] are all the same color. How can I colorize this in
| bash so my Arch Linux system is much easier to sort through?

from my ~/.zshrc:

eval $(dircolors -b)
# colored filename/directory completion
# Attribute codes:
# 00 none  01 bold  04 underscore  05 blink  07 reverse  08 concealed
# Text color codes:
# 30 black  31 red  32 green  33 yellow  34 blue  35 magenta  36
cyan  37 white # Background color codes:
# 40 black  41 red  42 green  43 yellow  44 blue  45 magenta  46
cyan  47 white export

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