On Sunday 22 August 2010 15:01:37 joker-...@yandex.ru wrote:
> Hello! Sorry for my english, i'm russian :)
> Look at that:
> http://websvn.kde.org/tags/KDE/4.4.5/kdebase/apps/
> But there is no keditbookmarks app in kdebase:
> pkgbase=kdebase
> pkgname=('kdebase-dolphin'
>   'kdebase-kappfinder'
>   'kdebase-kdepasswd'
>   'kdebase-kdialog'
>   'kdebase-kfind'
>   'kdebase-kinfocenter'
>   'kdebase-konqueror'
>   'kdebase-konsole'
>   'kdebase-kwrite'
>   'kdebase-lib'
>   'kdebase-plasma')
> Keditbookmarks now is a part of konqueror (see the file list for
> kdebase-konqueror => usr/bin/konqueror). But keditbookmarks is required by
> some apps (krdc, krusader and others) to edit bookmarks. So, without
> konqueror you can't edit bookmarks in the krusader (nothing appears after
> clicking "manage bookmarks").
> I think that need to split konqueror on two packages: konqueror and
> keditbookmarks, because install konqueror just for working bookmark editor
> in krusader isn't good.

Please file a feature request on flyspray, so we will not forget this.

Arch Linux Developer

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