On Fri, 2010-11-26 at 21:34 +0100, Jan Steffens wrote:
> I've put PulseAudio into [testing] some time ago, but received no
> feedback on this.
> This either means it works well, or nobody uses it.
> So I'm asking for it now, especially from GNOME and KDE users running
> PulseAudio.

Tested yesterday: I was running a pulse-free installation on my laptop.
The changes you made in testing don't affect pulse-free systems running
GNOME. I tried switching to pulseaudio by installing the
pulseaudio-gnome group. That causes a conflict between the
gstreamer0.10-pulse package in community and the gstreamer package
containing the plugin now, but besides that, no problems have been found
and everything works as expected. 

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