On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 11:02 AM, doherty pete <nishizaw...@gmail.com>wrote:

> i input pacman -S nvidia that
> reslocing dependenies ...
> looking for inter-confictes...
> ::linux-firmware and kernerl26-firmware are in conflice.Remouve
> kernel-firmware?[y/N]
> ...
> ...
> if i choose all yes
> and display
> ndiswrapper: requires kernel26 < 2.6.34
> tiacx: requires kernel26 < 2.6.34
> i use the kernel 2.6.37 because i need the new driver for wireless.
> --
> pete_doherty

Have you  completely activated [testing] or just installed kernel26-2.6.37
from it? The later is not supported.

Are your mirror up to date? ndiswrapper and tiacx does not have a dependency
on kernel26 < 2.6.34 (on [core]/[extra] nor on [testing]).

Cédric Girard

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