On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 10:22 AM, Jelle van der Waa <je...@vdwaa.nl> wrote:

> On Thu, 2011-03-24 at 10:09 +0200, Arthur Titeica wrote:
> > Hello.
> >
> > Since yesterday pacman -Syu complains about the eigen package.
> >
> > eigen: local (3.0.0-1) is newer than extra (2.0.15-1)
> >
> > Before I make any changes I thought I'd ask here maybe anyone knows
> > what is going on.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> Check the status of your mirror http://www.archlinux.org/mirrors/status/
> and switch to a good mirror and pacman -Syyu
Well, eigen-2.0.15-1 does is the latest packaged version in [extra].
Are you sure you haven't installed eigen-3.0.0-1 from another source?

Cédric Girard

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