On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 4:16 PM, Grigorios Bouzakis <grb...@xsmail.com>wrote:

> Thomas S Hatch wrote:
> >
> > I am saving the "include SELINUX support in base for a latter date"
> >
> > my understanding though is that the stated position of Arch was "no
> > systemd"
> s/was/is/g
> That is also my understanding in regards to selinux. Although i am not
> familiar with "stated positions" about either.
> PS. Ntp is fine application that will keep your clock synchronised.
> It seems to be 5 days off. :)

Yes the systemd topic keeps popping up, right now we don't know
if certain upstream changes are going to force Arch into using systemd or
not. In my communications with the developers I have been continually placed
under the understanding that while Arch will support systemd, it will not be
part of base by default.

As for adding SELinux support in base but keeping it turned off by default,

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