Thomas S Hatch <> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 4:16 PM, Grigorios Bouzakis <>wrote:
>> Thomas S Hatch wrote:
>> >
>> > I am saving the "include SELINUX support in base for a latter date"
>> >
>> > my understanding though is that the stated position of Arch was "no
>> > systemd"
>> s/was/is/g
>> That is also my understanding in regards to selinux. Although i am not
>> familiar with "stated positions" about either.
>> PS. Ntp is fine application that will keep your clock synchronised.
>> It seems to be 5 days off. :)
> Yes the systemd topic keeps popping up, right now we don't know
> if certain upstream changes are going to force Arch into using systemd or
> not.

I dont think such a topic keeps popping up.
In fact I dont remember reading a discussion between Arch developers about
it, ever.
I could probably go on ranting about stuff thats been shoved down users
mouths the last years for months but its futile and a waste of time.

> As for adding SELinux support in base but keeping it turned off by default,
> +1

Although this isnt a vote, mine was for no selinux at all, so its just 1. :)

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